Samuel Dean Conger 5 So we're finishing up on the birthday stuff. Sam and the kids pitched some horseshoes and so forth. Boy, I always did like to pitch the shoes. I wasn't really good at it but could about hold my own. Boy, some of the old timers I saw as a kid were pretty darn good. I don't know whether the girls played in the game or not. Sam got a fishing trip in there somewhere and he and Carlie got a fish. They had a picnic at Naomi's home and Nick and Carlie had a good time - they get to ride the machine. Then one of Sam's buddies up and gets married and Sam helped out, naturally. Carlie got her school pictures today. Year 2012 and eight years old ....... A contemplative Sam at the home place, New Year's Day 2013. then June 2013 and baseball. Here is Nick's band. He plays trumpet, pretty powerfully, too. Lord he can make a racket with that thing. But he's good at it. He was 12 years old when they were recognized as best in the state. Here they are in all their 'glory' - Nick is the guy in the front row, kneeling and in a solid blue shirt and what appears to be sunglasses. They've got some musicians in the bunch, for sure. Love'm - love'm all. Nick has continued his fishing and got a fairly nice walleye the othe day ...... Nick had a good season with baseball, too. He played well, offense and defense, and got two game balls. He's generally alert and is very quick and can often hit with power. I guess he'll play on some allstar team somewhere. We had a birthday party with the July 4 celebration and Sam got stuck with the cooking, of course. Not because he's an easy touch but he can sure run that old grill he has and some good food generally rolls off it. All chefs require help so here's Sam's. He looks like he's doing it right, anyway. Looks like Sam has developed into a "two-handed" cook. Just cookin' up a storm ....... had some good "brats" too. I was going to eat one just to be part of the gathering but ate the whole thing almost! These guys can eat'm. I don't know why they wanted to do it this way unless the whole bunch, altogether would be unmanageable but later on I "insisted" and we got this one. What a crew, I am just so happy they are all there, together. Carlie got up to the little museum the town has and found the old "Model T" Fire truck the town had and got a picture. And Sam's reward ......... Ernest Conger 7/10/2013 Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 Page Links: Home | Sam | Gene&Shirley | Naomi | Dan | Sarah | Brian | Gene'sFish'nPage Genealogy: Seals | Conger | Ehlers | Wallace Congers | Caldwell Township Congers | Exline, IA Abstract |